Audio + Video: Ty Bello Feat. Tope Alabi – Logan Ti O De

Ty Bello, female photographer and Gospel minister, sings with Tope Alabi in this powerful song titled Logan Ti Ode produced by George.

“Logan Ti O De” which was sang in a Yoruba dialect means “The Moment He Steps In” in English Language will suffice.


Ty Bello speaking concerning the song;

“..It is one thing to go through troubled waters but it hurts more when people define you by your troubles.

But God is the one that has put power in his words to rename you and turn everything around IN A HEARTBEAT!. When God steps into your situation, many times ..He chooses to bypass process as we know it; His very presence can bring instant transformation.

This song brings tears to my eyes because it is my personal story and clearly it is sister Tope’s too. It is a song of hope, an anthem for anyone who is desperate for an intervention. It brings true relief to know that God is willing and able to bring one your way. The moment he steps in, everything changes, even your name.”

“Tope Alabi carries a mantle and great depths in using Yoruba language in song.

It was an incredible experience making music with her, every sentence out of her mouth made us feel like ‘this is why God crafted this language’.

Logan Ti Ode reminds me of Genesis, God SAID; Let there be light: and there was light.

That’s exactly what happens when we release God’s word over a situation, our lives and our nation. He steps-in Instantly and everything aligns with His purpose” .


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Responsible young urban professional, kingdom blogger, entrepreneur & a digital marketing expert.

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