Anticipate Grateful by Judah Set To Be Release On 24th August 2018 | @jayd_ihim

JUDAH, a prolific gospel music minister, a philanthropist and a lover of the Most High, is set to release another song title… GRATEFUL

After the successful release of E DON DO in 2017 and FADA MI earlier this year(2018) which gain massive acceptance and recorded a huge success.

GRATEFUL is a song of gratitude which is schedule to drop on 24th August 2018 and the anticipation campaign has taken over social media platforms with the following hash tags

#Gratitude #births #Joy #Anticipate #GratefulSong #Judah #Aug2018 #Thanksgiving #Thanksliving

Keep anticipating as it will worth the wait!!!

Instagram | Twitter : @jayd_ihim
Facebook : @judahbenjonas

Below are the campaign quotations prior to GRATEFUL’s official release


About Admin 7326 Articles
Responsible young urban professional, kingdom blogger, entrepreneur & a digital marketing expert.

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