The song Onye leba’Awo is inspired by the Holy Spirit. Out of a deep intense thought of God’s Al-mightiness, All powerful, indescribable, unquantifiable, unqualifiable and wondrous Acts of God in the life of His children. Where all hope is lost and you think you have come to the end of the road, there God show up. Indeed there is non like Him.
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Victoria Benard is a trained Nurse and a chorister with Dunamis International Gospel Center, Mararaba 1 Abuja
Endowed with a strong evangelistic mantle. Those who already know her, described her as a firebrand, uniquely anointed handmaiden with extraordinary mandate. What sets her apart from the crowd is her multifaceted talents and diligent nature. Whatever she lays her hands on she does it diligently with Grace and style.
She is a worshipper, a songwriter her intense passion for God is evident in her ministry. Her genuine heart of worship fuels her passion for service and desire to draw men closer to God.
she is single and the first child of three of late Mr and Mrs Benard Ali who hails from APA local government area of Benue State.
Onye leba’wo aee (who is like unto thee)
Ocheduu yornooo (there’s no one)
I’ve searched all over
But found no one like you. (Repeat all
(Spirit song)
Heaven and Earth,
You made them all
Uncreated God
You create all things
The world came forth
By your own word
Oh God, no body else like you
How I was formed
I can’t explain
The air I breath
Is you in me Oh God
My fountain of life
You amaze me
Jesus no other name like you
Chorus: call: onye leba’awo a were
Resp: Alto: e e e e e,
Call: oche’edu yonoo
Resp: alto: o o o o o
All: I’ve searched all o—–ver
I’ve found no one like you.
(Praises to God in my dialect)
Adam Ga…ba idu (The head Lion)
Awo no yicho (maker of heaven)
Awo no ya’aje (maker of The Earth)
Awo’ no myaje tabo kwe’ebe ebe(you occupied the whole world)
Ohimini gada wulu e e ( ocean that never runs dry)
Oma’an chaala (the Almighty)
Ikponglo noi kwu nu egidi
Okeke noi kpego ( tiny iron that sharpens grinding stone)
Omanya manya nei le jobi ga (the great lightning)
Apata echo noi fie’echo do’odu(the mighty Rock that is greater than all rocks)
Ohimini gada wulu ( ocean that never runs dry)
Oho nge wiya ( Omnipresent in whom I boast)
Akpabana noi gbo otu ono( The mighty thunder that strikes in the heat of dry season)
Obada bada (the widest God)
Odegwu degwu ( mysterious God)
Itekwu otemeje ( beautiful river)
Adam gabaidu ( mighty Lion)
Onye lofu Yoda na ya ( who is strong enough to do what you have done)
Onye lofu liye nale( who is strong enough to bear your name)
Ubongoli noi pioda nmego likpoo ( the sickle that pulls things from a far distance)
Adam obogo baji ( the only animal that has both poisonous teeth and horn)
Okele noi jo’otangwa mle ( the fountain that can drawn a swimmer)
Olofu noi chepo olekpe (the mighty warrior that flight for the weakling)
Adam ikwu tona mle cho na we a ( the crocodile that reject its food but ingest stones)
Gabaidu ( mighty Lion)
Onye leben kawo( who is like unto thee)
Ochedu leben kawo no( there is non like thee)
Adam gabaidu ( mighty Lion)
Ochedu leben kawo no oo ( there is non like thee)
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