Download Music: Dare & Kemi Ajayi – Ife Mi

Nigeria Fast-rising Gospel music minister, songwriter and worship leader Dare & Kemi Ajayi releases another great love song titled “Ife Nla” English Translation means My Love

Following this season of Love, Feb.14th. download and listen to the song to express your love toward your partner.

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Solo 1: Ife mi , okan mi nfa si o
Ayo mi, emi mi npongbe fun’fe re
Taa ba funmi lowo to to ra gbogbo agbaye
Ko ni itumo kan legbe Ife mi si o
Ife mi okan mi nfa si o
Ayo mi emi mi npo ngbe fun’fe re
Ta ba fun mi lowo to to ra gbogbo agbaye
Ko ni itumo kan legbe Ife mi si o

Solo 2: Ife mi ololufee mi o
Alabarin mi Alabaro mi,
Ta ba fun mi loore ofe lati tun pada w’aye
1 million times I will go for you
Ife mi ololufee mi o
Alabarin mi Alabaro mi,
Ta ba fun mi lore ore lati tun yan Ife mi
1 million times I will go for you

Chorus: Even if you have nothing to entice me
Just be there for me always around me
Even if you have nothing to entice me my love
Never never leave me alone Angel of my life

Solo 3: Mo wo yi ka awon eniyan Yi mi kaa ki ri,
Sugbon eranko bii kiniun sowon ninu Igbo ololufee mi,
Mo wo yi ka awon eniyan Yi kaa ki ri,
Sugbon eranko bi kiniun sowon ninu Igbo ololufee mi

Solo 4: I am weak and weary
Without I am empty
I am strong and courageous
With you I’m so full
Ololufee mi, iyo aye mi o
Jowo ma fi mi sile nigba kookan


Bridge: B’ojo ba nro b’orun ba nmu
Tina ba njo oo, n o tele o
Enibiokanmi alabarin mi ololufee mi




Facebook : Ajayi Emmanuel dare

WhatsApp: 08134768552


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