Emmanuel Simon is a gospel music minister blessed and anointed by God’s spirit to reach out to his world through effective worship.
Emmanuel Simon who is popularly known as “Emmygrace” was born in quarters guard airport road, Kano, state, Nigeria. He is from Idah local Government Area of kogi State, Nigeria.
The worship leader was born into a Muslim family, and was singled out after his encounter with God. After that encounter, he has experienced God in different ways and he can’t wait to share with the world let us.
The song “Pentecost” speaks about the outpour of the spirit of God, and how we yearn for more of his presence to fill us this end time.
The song was produced by the world’s famous E’keyz.
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Act 2:1-4
And when the day of Pentecost was fully come
They were all in one accord
In one place,
And they were all filled with the holy ghost and began to spake in other tongues as the spirit gave them utterance.
This are the last days
This are the last outpouring
And all we want is you 2*
Pour your spirit upon all flesh
And do your mighty wonders
Cus all we need is you 2*
To know u more
To see u more
To love u more than before
All we want is you 2*
All we need is you 2*
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
Spirit fill me lord
Till I overflow 2*
Spirit fill me lord
Till I overflow 4*
Until I overflow till I overflow
Until I overflow till I overflow
Until I overflow till I overflow
Until I overflow till o overflow 16*
Facebook: EmmyGrace Simon
Instagram: @emmygrace116
Powerful. Lord, we need more of u