New Music Release: Ize Se Uromwen (Sacrifice of Praise) by Evang Mrs Hannah Victor

Ize Se Uromwen (Sacrifice of Praise) by Evang Mrs Hannah Victor

We are thrilled to announce the return of the sensational Evang Mrs Hannah Victor with her latest release, “Ize Se Uromwen”, which translates to “Sacrifice of Praise”.

This highly anticipated song is now available to immerse yourself in the audio version and watch the captivating video. Evang Mrs Hannah Victor, known for her powerful and soul-stirring performances, once again delivers a heartfelt and anointed experience through her music.

“Ize Se Uromwen” beautifully captures the essence of gratitude, encouraging listeners to offer praises to the Almighty as a form of sacrifice. This song is a perfect blend of rich vocals, enthralling melodies, and thought-provoking lyrics that inspire a spirit of worship.

Whether you are a long-time fan or new to Evang Mrs Hannah Victor’s music, “Ize Se Uromwen” is a must-listen. Navigate through access links below and immerse yourself in this incredible musical offering.

Produced by Freeborn Strings

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we gather together
to sacrifice praise
to our God

(Chorus ×2)

Thanksgiving is what
we bring to our God
we are alive today
we say thank you Jesus
we see today
we say thank you Jesus

Verse 1:

The Lord has been
watching me
from my mother’s womb
the Lord took my hand
to the mountain of greatness
If someone said
call your parents
I will call Jesus
Jesus is my friend
If I looked where God
picked me from
where I am today
and where he is
still taking me
I will say thank you Lord
for disappointing
the plan of the enemy
whether small or big
whether rich or poor
the mercy of God
cover all
receive our Thanksgiving

(Go back to the Chorus)

Verse 2:

Our eyes are seeing
what is happening
and our ears are
hearing what is going on
My Lord
you preserve and
protect us
you cover us
with your feather
Like a hen who
covers their chicks
there was no loss
we come with sacrifice
of Thanksgiving
sacrifice of praise
sacrifice of worship
and sacrifice of song
receive our sacrifice
Oh Lord

(Go back to the chorus )

you can give thanks
to God
thank you Jesus

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Responsible young urban professional, kingdom blogger, entrepreneur & a digital marketing expert.

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