Download Music: Josh Daniels – He Will Make A Way

He Will Make A Way is a prayer song, calling on God for mercy and a message from God to us. Isaiah 54:1-8., isaiah 43:19 ,isaiah 55:11 and Jeremiah 1:12.
The song was received during the 2018 cross over service to 2019. During the prayer and worship time in church, i heard my spirit singing the song and i knew it was God trying to say something to me. Then., i ran out ,took my phone and recorded the first four lines so i wont forget. From there the complete line came at the place of prayer and deep meditation.

This song is beyond me, its a message to the entire world. God will make a way, He will part the sea, He wipe our tears and cause our heart to merry again.

He has promise to rise and cause our heart to merry again.
Take the message of hope and pray along then watch God proof Himself as Lord over your storms. Amen

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About Artiste:
Josh Daniels and his music ministry is defined, pattern and known as an Evangelistic type of worship ministry, where all things are geared towards pointing people to Jesus Christ our soon coming king. Revealing His good and loving nature to men, announcing His almightiness and greatness to the world, describing His personality to humanity and sharing His wonderful testimonies to the sons and daughter of the earth.
And his favorite quote and heart beat is: “its Jesus we came to seek and we wont stop until the kingdom of this world becomes the kingdom of our God and of His Christ through lifestyle,wealth,demonstration of power and massive inflow of souls into Gods kingdom”.
He is a graduate of Industrial Technology from federal university of Technology minna.
And a life time active member of DUNAMIS CHURCH

Music is a ministry to me, its what i was created for and not a means to earnings.

I have been privilege to receive and write many songs like the same God, your word, your grace, too much and now He will make a way and among others yet to be done.



Call/WhatsApp: +234 813 111 3068

Instagram: @officialjoshdaniels


About Admin 7326 Articles
Responsible young urban professional, kingdom blogger, entrepreneur & a digital marketing expert.


  1. I’m blessed and inspired to worship at the same time..the same and big God will cause us to merry again…this song is my anthem for 2020..

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