Lifestyle – Speakout Alison, A Deaf With Passion To Inspire Many With Her Music

Meet up and coming Christian song writer  & performing artist Speakout Alison who goes by birth name Nana Alison-Naomi Wandja, born July 1st 1999.

Speakout Alison, a “second born” is from a family of three, of Mr. Nana Blaise Tchenke and Mrs. Rev. Nana Comfort Enyang Tanyi.

The Buea based christian song writer & performing artist lost her hearing at the age of 6 due to malaria and has been that way till today (13 years).

Her “disability” has never been a hindrance to living a purpose driven and God fulfilling life. Alison is currently a final year student in the university of Buea; pursuing a Bachelors Degree in Educational Psychology.

Speakout Alison is known for her mind blowing YouTube video covers, which is; interpreting popular gospel songs to sign language- an exercise she’s been doing for some time now, and aims at making the gospel accessible even to the hearing impaired.

She came into reconciliation with The Father(God) in 2014, in a “deaf conference” which took place in BHS SOPPO,  where she was opportune to hear the saving and redemptive gospel of Jesus Christ.

I naturally grew up in a Christian home and I knew Christ ever since I was a kid and loved Him until 2014 that I got truly saved and baptized on my birthday in 2018“. said Speakout Alison.

I do music ’cause it’s my passion and my call and also a way to get messages musical influencers are; Mercy Chinwo, Prêye Odede and Nathaniel bassey. I don’t play any music instrument and I haven’t collaborated with any artist before“. Also said Speakout Alison.

Alison currently worship’s at Christ for the Deaf international and Christ Embassy, Buea, and also belongs to an Organization of  Visual Bible Translators.

Speakout Alison believe’s her music is for both the believers and the unbelievers, the saved and the unsaved, the hearing and the deaf, since the deaf  can’t hear and thus know little or nothing about music and how to worship and praise God with songs.

She’s not worked with any record labels in the past and is currently unsigned, but a member(artist) under Kites to Plane Music Group.(Home to Dsaint Livingston & LP Lekingson).

Apart from being an artist, Alison is also a visual bible translator, a Model, Actress, Dancer and Sign language instructor. Her perspective on Cameroon’s music industry is: “we all are still growing and definitely need to put out more effort in sharing the gospel through our songs and reconciling the world unto God on behalf of Jesus Christ. We need Determination, strategies and support and recognition.

I wish to impact on the salvation of souls and reconciliation with the Father though my music and wish to get more opportunities and platforms to keep preaching the gospel“. says Christian song writer  & performing artist Speakout Alison.

Check out some of her video covers below, while anticipating her soon to be released single titled I Proclaim. Were you blessed knowing Speakout Alison?? Drop us a comment below.

For any words to Speakout Alison, reach her management below:

  • Facebook/IG: @KitesToPlanesMG
  • Call/WhatsApp: +237682021477

Follow Speakout Alison:

  • Facebook/Twitter/IG/Youtube: @SpeakoutAlison

Video Covers

One day at a time by Cristy Lane

Wonderful merciful Savior by women of faith

You say by Lauren Diagle

Messiah by Francesca Battistelli.

About Admin 7326 Articles
Responsible young urban professional, kingdom blogger, entrepreneur & a digital marketing expert.

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