Christian Hip Hop recording artiste, Blaze Ejeh kicks off the year with yet another Sound titled ” Jesus Or Nothing”
The Tmhnationglobalconceptz
This Particular tune adopts sub-theme in its declaration of the conviction that “Its Either Jesus or Nothing” a soft Rap song laced with Barz and Rhymes in both English and Yoruba ( Southwest Nigerian Language).
In His words ” “This song was written out of inspiration and my desire for a different Sound.
something out of the usual gospel vibe. My message and intention is basically getting people to realize that there’s not a being like Jesus in existence. as believers we should bear in us the consciousness that It’s either Jesus or Nothing else we gonna live for.
No matter who you are , if you ain’t preaching Jesus in your words, Actions and everything you do , there’s absolutely no sense in it.
Jesus is for Everyone”
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