Neche – Unconditional Love
Emerging gospel music artiste, Minister Neche releases a brand new single titled “Unconditional Love” to celebrate this season of love.
It’s a song that speaks to the soul, reminiscing on the Unconditional Love God has always shown to us, even while we were yet sinners, He loved us so much and send His only begotten son to die and reconcile us to back Himself, oh what an Unconditional Love of God at its peak.
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Audio PlayerLyrics:
You are who you are you never change at all.
You are God and all power belongs to you
I have searched and searched, nobody can love me like you do
Nobody is trustworthy as you are
Convenant keeping God
I have searched and searched
Nobody can love me like you do
Nobody is trustworthy as you are
Convenant keeping God.
Chinecherem oo
Your love for me is too much oo
It’s is your thinking for me that makes me move this far
Chinecherem oo
Jesus you’ve been so good to me
Ihunanya ji gadigide ruo mbe ebiebi(2x)
We worship you Jesus
Your love for me is too much oo
Jesus(speaking in tongues)
And as you say it, you do it, you seal it
Unconditional love oo
You’ve shown unto me
I bow in awe of you(2x)
Repeat chorus
Unconditional love(3x)
You keep showing unto me
You love me before I love myself
Your love for me is too much ooo
You keeep…
Unconditional love oo(2x)
Chimaobi mooo
Instagram: ministerneche_
Tiktok: min_neche
YouTube: ministerneche
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