Rayshak Tuvuk – The Heavens Rejoice
Rayshak Tuvuk also known as Don Ray, a Chartered Accountant, a Nigerian Radio Personality, Voice-over Artist, Singer-Songwriter, known for his vocal roots in Christian Pop, Rock Music is out again with another powerful Christmas Hit song titled, The Heavens Rejoice, produced by Pastor Josh Akoh Pee Jee.
Talking about the song, he said “It’s a song to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. The Star responded and pointed the Newborn King to the nation, the heavens responded, the Angels worship Him, the world is excited to worship Him just like the wise men, we got to worship Jesus.”
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The Heavens Rejoice
The heavens rejoice let the earth be glad
Hosanna in the highest joy to the world
We’ve seen His Star
From the east show us the way
We’ve come to worship
We celebrate the King
The stars from the heavens respond to Him
So, we worship, so we worship Him
The Angels they bow down and worship Him
So, we worship, so we worship Him
He traded His throne, born in a manger
No crown is worn, yet Angels worship
He lay down His life
For a stranger, for the broken
He traded a crown
For a cross, and crown with thorns
The stars from the heavens respond to Him
So, we worship, so we worship Him
The Angels they bow down and worship Him
So, we worship, so we worship Him
Hosanna (Halleluiah)
Hosanna (Halleluiah)
Come let us (Celebrate the King)
Come let us (Celebrate the King)
The stars from the heavens respond to Him
So, we worship, so we worship Him
The Angels they bow down and worship Him
So, we worship, so we worship Him
Received & Written by Rayshak Tuvuk
Nice one
This is beautiful