Music + Video: Princess Martha Glay – Born For A Purpose

Princess Martha Glay – Born For A Purpose

Born for a purpose was inspired through scriptures and the spirit of God speaking through my client.

This song came when I was going through a lot. few months ago I had a tough time, I couldn’t sleep, I couldn’t concentrate on any thing just tearing. The spirit of God lead me to the book of 1 Samuel 30. It’s speakes about David and his men in the Land of Ziklag and How Amalekites raided the Negev and Ziklag and burned it, taking into captive the women and everyone else in it, both young and old.

This passage thought me a lot and give encouragement. I was Born during the Civil War and grow up in the war also, I’ve seen a lot. I’ve have lost a lot. But God has kept me for a purpose and in Christ I have been brought to fullness. Christ Jesus has given me the power to Do all things through him.. At work when my client saw me. HE said ( Martha when I see you I see rains of blessings) and I responded, I pull with rains of blessings.

I was reminded by the word of God. I was Born to rule, born to win born to overtake, I am a child of God, a woman of zion. My Father is the king he has everything I need.
I will never lose any battles. Born for A purpose

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Responsible young urban professional, kingdom blogger, entrepreneur & a digital marketing expert.

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