Download Music: Nicanor – Chimle

Nicanor – Chimle

If he was to sing about all what God has done for him, Nicanor would be the artiste with the most number of songs right now. He’s been blessed beyond measure and CHIMLE, a song of gratitude, is how Nicanor describes this love God has for him.

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Verse 1
I counted all my troubles and all of my worries, they were so many and persistent they won’t let go, so I resigned myself to him.
I started waiting patiently just for the Lord’s help, I told him Father you are all I have I need you now and he heard my cry.
He pulled me out of a dangerous pit that I was in, He set my feet upon a rock and made so secured and taught me to sing a new song.

Oh Chimle (oh my God) x2
Look what you done for me
My mouth can’t say it all.

You’ve raised me, set my feet on the rock.
Oh what you’ve done for me, my mouth can’t say it all.

Verse 2
You did not ask for sacrifices and all of my offerings, you did not ask me for a cow burnt whole on the alter but only a humble Spirit.
In the great assembly of your children and your peoples will I announce the good news of your salvation and mercy and how you taught me a song.

Back to Chorus

Aaah aah Aaah.

Oh chimle oh chimle
Look what you’ve done for me
my mouth can’t say it all

Oh chimle look where you made me from
Look where you brought me from
From the miry clay, gave my life a meaning, made it worth living.

Oh chimle eeh eeh oh chimle
Look what you’ve done for me, my mouth can’t say it all x2

Lord I’m grateful, for everything you’ve done, for the life and the air I breathe!



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Responsible young urban professional, kingdom blogger, entrepreneur & a digital marketing expert.

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