Okafor Onyinyechi – Agbanwe Agbanwe
Okafor Onyinyechi a lawyer by profession from Uturu in Isuikwato L.G.A of Abia State. She has been a passionate lover of God and a worshipper, however decided to go beyond to bless the world with this wonderful piece through the inspiration and leading of the Holy Spirit.
She dishes out a soul lifting worship titled “Agbanwe Agbanwe”. A song that came just at the right time when the world is passing through a pandemic that only God can swallow.
The song is an amazing, powerful and exhilarating worship that extols the awesomeness, the mighty deeds of God and his saving grace. Its a song that connects you to the throne of mercy, God will surely deliver and heal our land as this song goes round the world to His own glory.
Produced by a graced and fast rising music producer and artiste Enni Francis. It is better experienced than told. God bless you and remain rapturable.
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