Download Music: P.Sho – Las Las |@thereal_psho

P.Sho – Las Las

P.Sho (Shola Adebayo) is an eccentric and dynamic music artist who stands out for his creativity, passion and authenticity. He is a pioneer and a trailblazer with a crystal clear vision to create the unseen, the unheard and the unbelievable.

P.Sho has changed gears in creativity and is again set to change the status quo by his newest EP, LOUD IT. This EP reveals further depth into his creative dynamism as it is a far cry from anything he’s done or has been heard before. It conveys every ounce of his eclectic style and promises to leave every lip chanting these 3 great songs for a long time.

Las Las, one of the songs from the EP, speaks directly to the current global health trend with the Covid-19 Corona virus pandemic. Las Las is a song of hope, it literally translates to mean ‘eventually we will all be alright’.

In the spirit of benevolence and with a clear purpose to bring hope to the world at this time please receive Las Las!

Please share this message of hope across the globe, and make it even better by asking people to do #LasLasDanceChallenge on social media, where participants make short dance videos to the song as a way of spreading hope to the global community.

Las Las we go dey alright!

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About Admin 7326 Articles
Responsible young urban professional, kingdom blogger, entrepreneur & a digital marketing expert.


  1. P.Sho has come again with another one, gosh! This song is absolutely suitable for this time of a global pandemic. Las las we go dey alright!

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