Download Music: Agbutun – City Light

Cherry Mbadzedzei Silas said;

Have you ever listened to a song and you just feel “oh, this is exactly what I feel and want to say?”

Every music lover feels that way, something draws them to every song; sound, melody, content or even the artist! I am definitely one person that loves listening to good music and my deal breaker is the content so my first question is always ‘Hey, what are you saying to me?’

As humans we love being recognized, appreciated and celebrated for the good things that we do or achieve and the reason is simple acknowledgements elevate us to do more since it shows that the object of our kindness value the little things we do. That’s exactly what City Lights is about – an expression of gratitude to all those who polish our lives and add colour to it. Its the same story for all of us, our lives are better simply because of the people who colour our world.
If you have listened to songs by Agbutun, you certainly cannot doubt his originality and the soulful expression of his thoughts and if you haven’t, it is never late to.
City lights tells our story, the meaning of life and the essence of sharing it with others. It is a story we all resonate with! I could give you a million and one reasons to listen to this song but it is definitely impossible to imagine the wealth of this song so Listen.

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About Admin 7310 Articles
Responsible young urban professional, kingdom blogger, entrepreneur & a digital marketing expert.

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