Reverend minister, songwriter and gospel recording artiste, Abed N. Shalvong has released a brand new single titled “Bless My Soul.”
“Bless My Soul” is a phenomenal reggae gospel song that stem from an in-depth look at the love of God expressed through the shameful death of Jesus Christ on the cross for all mankind without a consideration for the measure or gravity of our individual sins and His willingness to accept us back each time we stray away in error and return like the prodigal son.
You’ll love the song on the first listen.
Ebenezer Iriemi produced it.
Download & Share.
In the name of the Father,
Son and the Holy Ghost
I pray o bless me now.
Bless my soul
Holy one of God
Bless my soul
Make me whole again
Verse 1:
I remember, you wept
And died for me
My spirit Lord pant after you
You are my hiding place
Shelter when life stormy
Billows roll
I depend on you,
Faithful Jesus you are my
I pray for grace and the power
To overcome, and the wisdom
To know your plans for me.
Verse 2:
Bless the Lord o my soul
And forget not His benefits
He has done marvelous things
My mouth cannot proclaim
Merciful and gracious,
Crowned me with His loving
Maker of the heavens and
You reign forever and ever
Gave His Angels charge over me,
To watch and keep me all the way,
Who is like the living God o!
Verse 3:
From the cross lifted up
To the depth of the grave,
You went all the way just to
Show me your love,
At the mention of the name of
Jesus every knee must bow,
In the name of the Father, Son
And the Holy Ghost.
I am washed by the blood of
The risen lamb of God
My victory is sure
‘Cos He is no more in the grave
For death could not hold Him
Captive even in the grave
Jesus is Lord, even in the
Grave Jesus is Lord
ABED NANSOH SHALVONG is an extant Nigerian Christian singer as well as a songwriter. He hails from Langtang North Local Government Area of Plateau State. He is a Reverend Minister with Christ Missionaries Crusaders Church International.
He started his music Ministry as a teenager at COCIN Kwanpe in Langtang north as the children Choir Master around 1988. He moved on to join Grace of God Mission church in 1995 where he also served as the music director until he had to answer the call into full time ministry in January 1997.
He moved to Onitsha where he attended Grace Theological Seminary and also assumed the position of music director. Upon graduation, he started pastoring with New Creation Assembly and was also made the music director before he was transferred to Lagos to take care of a branch. He is presently the Music Administrator of Christ Missionaries Crusaders Church International Headquarters in Warri, Delta State.
Twitter | Facebook | Instagram: @AbedNansoh
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