Download Music: Corfic Raymond – Behold Jesus

lechukwu Obiefo Raymond, also known as Corfic Rayond, is from Nnewi town in Anambra State – NIGERIA, but a Lagos State based Gospel singer and a rapper. He is a prophetic minister of the word, who is agonizing for the dying souls rushing into hell on a daily bases. And he is whose vision on earth is to mission the calling voice of repentance from the holy wilderness of mount Zion, down to the ends of the world.

He answered his heavenly calling in Isaiah 42: 6&7, a great prophetic calling to wake the sleeper from their slumber, and to melt every heart of stones to restore a broken spirit, and a contrite heart to this mankind that needs salvation.

Behold, here is the great call to restore sight, and light to the blind, and to those in darkness. Behold, here is the great call to restore the covenant of our union with the Lord, because He is our father and we are still His sons and daughters.

Behold, here is the reason why God gave out His only begotten Son, who came and died on the cross. Behold, here is agonizing Jesus, whose blood was poured for us to be healed and be purified. BEHOLD JESUS is a song that brings salvation, revival and repentance to bear witness for Jesus Christ ahead of His coming soon.

Anthony-Mario Udechukwu’s vision, ”The Master says that this song is to call back sinners and cause a spiritual healing upon each soul that hears it” More glory is to be revealed, amen.

At the click of the download button, the transformation begins. God bless you.


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Oh oh. Oh oh oh oh ×3

Behold Jesus on the cross
Behold his wounds and His blood
Jesus na asi gi nwamuo nwamuo
do biko do biko natazie.

Behold Jesus on the cross
Behold his wounds and His blood
Jesus na asi gi nwamuo nwamuo
do biko do biko bia

Bia k’ihuru akuku amalu ya ube o
Bia k’ihuru okpu ogwu ekpubere ya n’isi o
Bia k’ihuru osiso mme na aso dike na aso ebe okoru na enu obe.
Bia k’ihuru apa onya o bu na ahu do
Bia k’ihuru nmanya gbakalu uka enyele ya o
Bia k’ihuru osiso mme na aso dike na aso dike ebe okolu n’enu obe.

Verse 1:
What will it benefit you ritesia uwa n’elele o, n’ikpeazu inwuo o je oku muo checkikere.
What will it benefit you ritesia uwa n’elele n’ikpazu acho gi acho na nbala enigwe o
Opi ike ga egbu po po nueee
Opi ike ga egbu po po nueee
Opi ike ga egbu po po nueee
Po po nueee
Po po nueee

Verse 2
Chukwu na aku kpom kpom n’obi gi o
Chukwu na aku pkom kpom n’obi gi o
Jesus dee knock knock on your door
I mepe oso gi biri o
Welu aghighie chuba ewu oji
Find the Lord now He is so near
Maka gate of heaven di so narrow
Uzo okumuo dinu obosala o ×2

Verse 3:
Jesus gbasara aka ya n’obe
Nee ya na ogbasara aka ya n’obe
Ogbasara aka ya n’obe si onye choro ndu nya bata o

Welu aghighie chuba ewu oji
Find the Lord now He is so near
Maka gate of heaven di so narrow
Uzo okumuo dinu obosala o

Speaking in tongues
Ekene diri gi jeso
Jeso ribe otito
Jeso nara ekene
sacha anyi jeso

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Responsible young urban professional, kingdom blogger, entrepreneur & a digital marketing expert.

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