Several years ago while I was experiencing some unpalatable situation. I was always grumbling and complaining until one day, I got an insight while I was studying the scripture where Jesus fed five thousand men with five loaves of bread and two fishes. I realized that Jesus gave thanks to God for the little meal even when he was faced with an imminent great need. The Holy Spirit told me on that day that “Whatever I don’t thank God for, will never increase.” Since then I changed my ATTITUDE and started giving God some GRATITUDE because I know that will ultimately determine my ALTITUDE. God has proved himself in my life over the years. And that is the inspiration behind this song. – Kayode Olusoji
The song was produced by Ambassador Wole Oni (The first African Yamaha artist) and he featured Moji Olusoji, Dieko and IBK.
Watch Lyric Video Below:
Jesus took five loaves of bread and two fishes
He gave thanks to God for them
And with these, he fed five thousand men
Listen, whatever you don’t thank God for
Will never increase
Learn to give thanks
Thank you, Lord
Lord, I thank you
I adore you
From the bottom of my heart
To the depth of my soul
Thank you
For the victory, you’ve got for me
For the miracles you’ve worked
For all the good things, you have done
From the bottom of my heart
To the depth of my soul
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
Lord, I thank you
I adore you
From the bottom of my heart
To the depth of my soul
Thank you
For the victory, you’ve got for me
For the miracles you’ve worked
For all the good things, you have done
From the bottom of my heart
To the depth of my soul
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
Yeah! Yeah!! Moj take it away
I’ve got joy
Thank you, Lord
Thank you
I’ve got healing, healing
So thankful Lord
Thank you
I’m forgiven
So thankful Lord
Thank you
And I’ve got peace
Thank you, Lord
And I am free
So so thankful
Thank you, Lord
I’m an overcomer
So thankful Lord
Thank you, Lord
I’ve got deliverance
Thank you
Oh thank you, Lord
Thank you, Lord
And you’ve brought me out of the miry clay
Thank you
And I am so thankful Lord
Thank you, Lord
I have joy like a river
Thank you, Lord
Thank you
That you heal my body
Thank you, Lord
Thank you
I’m forgiven
Thank you Jesus
Thank you
Thankful Lord
Thank you, Lord
Thank you, Lord
That I’m free to worship
I am thankful
Thank you, Lord
I’m an overcomer
Thank you, Lord
Thank you, Lord
Thank you, Lord
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you, Jesus,
Thank you, Lord
I cannot thank you enough Lord
Thank you, Lord
IBK tell ‘em
For the joy of the Lord
It is my strength Lord
Thank you
You healed my body
I’ve got to say thank you, Lord
Thank you
For forgiving me
You didn’t have to do it
Thank you, Lord
I thank you for your love
Thank you for the victory we’ve won
Thank you, Lord
I’m free
Free to lift my hands oh! God
Thank you, Lord
I’m an overcomer
So I’m saying
Thank you, Lord
Lord you put me out
Thank you
You put me out of the valley
Thank you, Lord
And you set my feet on the rock
Thank you
I have come to say thank you, Lord
Thank you, Lord
Lord, I thank you
I adore you
From the bottom of my heart
To the depth of my soul
Thank you
For the victory, you’ve got for me
For the miracles you’ve worked
For all the good things, you have done
From the bottom of my heart
To the depth of my soul
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
Speak of Kayode Olusoji, and visions of dynamic contemporary praise and worship songs with both contemporary and African flavor comes to mind. His ministration is filled with the aura and the presence of God leaving his audience speechless craving for more of God. In 1996, God gave him the mandate to reach out to the world through songs and groom the true worshippers who will worship God in Spirit and truth. He has won several music awards in Nigeria, in Italy and he was a finalist in GAB Awards in the UK in 2013. He is a prolific songwriter who has written hundreds of songs and he has released three albums, “The Unchanging God, ” “Arise, ” and “Gidi Gan.” This new single “Thank You” is one of the songs in his upcoming album. He is a prolific writer and the author of “The Music That Brings Revival’ a book that has impacted many music ministers across the globe and he is also the author of ” The Final Verdict.” He has ministered in several countries including Nigeria, South Africa, UK, Canada and the United States of America spreading the gospel via music. Kayode is based in Canada and he is set to reach out to the world for Christ through music.
He has the vision to win 200 million souls for Jesus Christ, to release at least 1000 songs and to publish a minimum of 100 books.
Website: http://www.kayode.olusoji.net
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KayodeOlusojiFanPage
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/kayode-olusoji
Email: kayode.olusoji@woodclef.com
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