Download Music: John Signs – Comforter |@iam_johnsigns

John Signs – Comforter

This is a song by John Signs. Formally known as HolyJohn C O M F O RTER produced by E’KEYZ is a song filled with the power of God’s revelation from the bible verse John14:16. which has the capacity to positively change the minds and lives of listeners. At this period of covid19 we really need God to comfort us and not to give up because things is going to work out for our good..

It is a song that connects one with God and serves as a source of encouragement in low times.

Produced by The Amazing E’Keyz


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Verse 1

I don’t want to worship you from afar
I just want to be where you are
Dwelling with the host of angle, singing holy
holy to my God to my King
And you are my comforter, only you are my
You are my comforter, only you are my Redeemer



I will never give up on you, your love have
Found me just as I am
And you will never give up on me
You are my comforter oh Lord, you are my
Redeemer oh Lord
I will never give up on you, your love have
Found me just as I am
And you will never give up on me
You are my comforter oh Lord, you are my
Redeemer oh Lord


Verse 2

I was in darkness, you light up my paths
Was in chains, you broke the chains
Demon Trimble at my voice, you have made
Me just as you are
In the splendor of you majesty, will worship
In the beauty of holiness, you made way
In the splendor of you majesty, will worship
In the beauty of holiness, you made way



I will never give up on you, your love have
Found me just as I am
And you will never give up on me
You are my comforter oh Lord, you are my
Redeemer oh lord
I will never give up on you, your love have
Found me just as I am
And you will never give up on me
You are my comforter oh Lord, you are my
Redeemer oh Lord



Na you be my baba
Na you be my friend
Igwe ah
Wonderful baba
Wonderful friend
Igwe ah ah
Jesus my lover
Jesus my friend
Igwe ah
Jesus igwe,
Jesus igwe
Igwe ah
Jesus igwe
Jesus my friend
Igwe ah ah …..

Jesus igwe,
Jesus igwe
Igwe ah
Jesus igwe
Jeusu igwe
Igwe ah ah X8


About Admin 7325 Articles
Responsible young urban professional, kingdom blogger, entrepreneur & a digital marketing expert.

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