Download Music: Michael Adedeji – Live For You | @deji_myke

Michael Adedeji is a gospel minister, worshipper commissioned to raise saints worthy of worship and ready for the coming of the messiah. After his debut hit song ‘Elohim’, here comes another song birth out of passion and burning desire to seek and live for God.

LIVE FOR YOU is a song birth from the revelation of holy scripture Psalm 42:1 the bible says: “as the deer pant for the water brook so my soul for you, oh God”. We now live in a generation were people’s passion and desires is tending towards earthly pleasures and mundane things of life. here, God is seeking those whose heart is yearning after him. This song will birth a revival in your spirit, turn sinners to saints and backsliders to their first love.

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I want to live for you Jesus
I want to live for you my lord
I want to live for you today & evermore 2X
As the deer pant for the water
so my soul seek you my lord
to be fill and thirst no more
Oh lord my God
I am yearning for your presence
you are all I need today
let me see your glory now
Oh lord I call
Chorus: repeat
There is a place in every man
that you alone can fill Jesus
take your place in my lord
you are my all.
One thing I desire from you lord
Is that I might see your face
To behold your beauty now & evermore
Chorus: repeat
I’ll seek to your face
To see your face 2X
To behold your beauty now
And evermore………


Facebook: dejimyke
Instagram: @deji_myke
Twitter: @deji_myke


About Admin 7326 Articles
Responsible young urban professional, kingdom blogger, entrepreneur & a digital marketing expert.

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