Music: Eman Ochang – Agidigba Odogwu

Eman ochang is an anointed minstrel called to his generation to raise the banner of his master Jesus through the instrumentation of the word and music committed to this assignment until he sees his face.

Agidigba Odogwu is a song inspired by the holy spirit, received out of an attempt to describe how great and mighty our God is and what he can do. I ended up understanding that he is a God that cannot perfectly fit into any description the reason why he’s AGIDIGBA ODOGWU.

Be bless as you listen.

Produced by Jerry keyz
Mixed and mastered: Tbasegrooveproduction


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Song Lyrics

Solo 1. The things you say
Must surely come to pass
The things you’ve done
Non can undo
Situations you change
They remain permanent o
Agidigba odogwu
You are the great and mighty God

Solo 2. When you raise
Nobody can bring down
When you bless
No one can curse
When you heal
Baba you heal completely
Agidigba odogwu Agidigba odog
You are the great and mighty God.
Agidigba odogwu*3
You are the great and mighty God
Agidigba odogwu*3
There’s nothing you can’t do
You are the great and mighty God
No one compares to you
You are the alpha and omega
Agidigba odogwu Agidigba odogwu
For life we hail you* 6
Oh yes no one like you

As big as you are so the things you do
As big as you are so situations you change
Ch 2
You are you are you are bigger than we say you are.



Facebook | Instagram | Twitter: @emanochang

Phone: 08037147711, 08189015130

About Admin 7326 Articles
Responsible young urban professional, kingdom blogger, entrepreneur & a digital marketing expert.


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