Anointed Minister “Louis Lucky” Begins the year 2019 by Releasing An Extraordinary Worship titled “Go Ahead Holy-Ghost”, this is more than a Music, but a Divine Inspiration from Heaven. The Title “Go Ahead Holy Ghost”, it is to Awaken us to give the Holy Ghost Full Charge of Everything that concerns us.
According to Minister Louis Lucky, He Affirms by the Spirit thus;
“It’s a song for they that are Deeply in need of the Holy Spirit, not just for Tongues Speaking, and to have Access to His Fire Alone, so they can say (Holy Ghost fire), it is for those who want to have a Sweet Fellowship with the Holy Spirit. It is a Song to Remind us of the Availability and Accessibility of the Holy Ghost. Indeed, I See Him Everywhere. Like the man who said to Jesus, help my Unbelieve, I admit that I can’t go Anywhere or help myself without Him, so I say go ahead HOLY GHOST…. Louis Lucky”.
Begin The Year 2019 With This Song, As The Holy Ghost Goes Ahead Of You In All Your Situations (Ipere Evanx).
This Powerful Song was Produced by Ebenezer Iriemi.
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Do you feel, what I feel
When I call on his name
Do you see, what I see
When I look to the hill
Do you hear, what I hear
When I listen to his voice
Do you get, what I get
When He speaks to my Soul
Do you feel his Presence like I feel it right now
Do you see Him Every where, like I see Him right now
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
Go Ahead Holy Ghost
I see chariots of fire fighting for me
I hear the voice of Jesus speaking to me
I feel the Holy Ghost all over me
I see Chariots of Fire Fighting for me
I hear the Voice of Jesus speaking to me
I feel the Holy Ghost all over me
I feel the Holy Ghost all over me
Go Ahead Holy Ghost
Go Ahead Holy Ghost
Go Ahead Holy Ghost
Go Ahead Holy Ghost
Go Ahead Holy Ghost
Facebook: Louis Lucky
Instagram: Louislucky4
Twitter: Louislucky4
Management: Ipere Evanx (+2347066832435)
I’m really really blessed with this wonderful song