Music: Promise Benson – Have Your Way (Prod. By I-fee Sound)

At times , we try to put in our strength and come to realise that without GOD we can do nothing, this song “have your way” was borne out of the realisation that except God steps into a situation, things can never change. Miracles are normal when God steps in, everything changes.

Promise Benson is out with another one, worship reloaded!!! Pls download, listen, if it blesses you, pls share…

Promise Benson is a recording artist, a prolific song writer and Producer. His passion is to inspire hope in the lives of young people using music and motivational speaking as a tool. He’s the convener of RAW, an organization that creates an Atmosphere that brings God to the people and the people to God.


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About Admin 7326 Articles
Responsible young urban professional, kingdom blogger, entrepreneur & a digital marketing expert.

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