Music + Video: Tity – Your Word

Tity – Your Word  

Tity releases a brand new single titled “Your Word.”

“Your Word” is a song inspired by the unfailing Word of God. The Word of God is God himself (John 1:1), this song acknowledges the power in the Word of God. The world was founded by His Word and we live by this Word.


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In 2 Corinthians chapter 1 verse 20

The bible says, all the promises of God

Are yea and they are Amen

Also, in psalm 119 verse 105

The bible says

Thy word is the lamp unto my feet

And a light unto my part

The lord decree and we are living

We are living my His decree


Your word is life

Your word is hope

Your word is true

Your word is light

Your word is holy

And it is pure

I say thank you for giving us your word

Your word is life

Your word is hope

Your word is true

And your word is light

Your word is holy

And it is pure

I say thank you for giving us your word

I thank you Lord

I thank you Lord

I thank you Lord

I thank you Lord x2

(You are) You are the living God

(Your word is yea and amen) Your word is yea and amen

(Your word) Your word is yea and amen

(Your word) Your word is yea and amen

(The way the truth and the life) The way the truth and the life

(Thank you Jesus) Your word is yea and amen

(Your word is yea and amen) Your word is yea and amen

(Your word is yea and amen) Your word is yea and amen

(You say a thing and it comes to pass) Alpha and omega

(Oh, your word) Your word is yea and amen

(Your word! Your word) Your word is yea and amen

(It’s yea and amen) Your word is yea and amen

(You are the living God) You are the living God

(The one that sits on the thrown) Your word is yea and amen

(And he decrees) Your word is yea and amen

(It is Amen) Your word is yea and amen

(I thank you Lord) I thank you Lord

(Thank you Lord) I thank you Lord

(Thank you Lord) I thank you Lord

(For all you’ve done for me) I thank you Lord

(Thank you lord) I thank you lord

(For your loving kindness) I thank you lord

(I thank you lord) I thank you Lord

(Thank you lord) I thank you Lord

(Thank you, Lord! Thank you, Lord!! Thank you, Lord!!!) I thank you Lord

(For where you picked me from) I thank you Lord

(I’ve come to say thank you Lord) I thank you Lord

(Thank you Lord) I thank you Lord

(Thank you, Lord! For all you’ve done) I thank you Lord

(I say thank you Lord) I thank you Lord

I thank you Lord

(Thank you, Lord! I thank you, Lord God) I thank you Lord

I thank you Lord

I thank you Lord

I thank you Lord

I thank you Lord x2


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