It Is Shameful For A Man To Marry A Woman For Money – Pastor Bolaji Idowu


It Is Shameful For A Man To Marry A Woman For Money – Pastor Bolaji Idowu

Renowned Lagos-based Pastor, Bolaji Idowu, has criticized men who marry women for financial security.

During a recent service in his church, the famous clergyman said;

‘’One of the most shameful thing I have seen is when men try to marry women for money. How can you be a grown man and your dream in life for success, your strategy for success is I will find a rich girl from a rich family and I will marry her. Is it because you believe there is nothing in you that can produce. That is consumer mentality. 

How do you want to do marriage and in planning for your marital finances, you plan that people will give you money to do your marriage. Does it not show that you lack critical wisdom?”

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